Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crafting the Colour wheel - February

February crafting project was born right after January. A neat little project, like the month that inspired it. I wanted to make a mounting for a stone in crochet, like the jeweller with a precious gem (like I did with the January necklace). It seemed to me the ring came together by it's own force, no need for me to gather materials or seeking inspiration first. It was almost as if there were some sort of elfish influence at work.

My preciousssssss ...


  1. :-) ! Griner ! :-)
    Og synes den er smuk. Smuk og fyldt med kraft. Februar kraft.
    Februar er en kraftfuld måned.

  2. Hey, hvor blir mars af? Du har tolv timer! (sådan da...)

  3. Hey - det har jeg ikke lige haft tid til. Jeg er blevet bidt af en gal rok - og føler stærkt presset fra adskillelige sække fyldt med uld!
    Men det skal nok komme :)

  4. pretty, mona. I really like this ring!!

  5. I love the contrast of dark stone and bright thread!


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