Det personlige ansvar går ud på at finde ind til sin egen kærne, finde sine egne potentialer og udnytte dem til fulde. Så man får de bedste forudsætninger for at kunne handle til alles bedste. Vi har alle medfødte gaver; evner og muligheder som det er vores hellige ansvar at tage vare på, nære og udvikle!
For ikke at lade dette føre for vidt, vælger jeg at eksemplificere ved ansvaret for det store i det små: alle de ansvarlige valg vi kan træffe i vores egen hverdag, i vores egen lille del af verden.
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The big things in the small things
Responsibility is the theme this week in mandagstema. To me responsibility is one of life's big issues. To have been given this life on this wonderful planet, in this country with religious liberty, all educational possibilities, democracy and equality of sexes, is a gift not to take for granted. You have to take responsibility for your own life, as well as for your fellow human beings, all creatures - and not least for Mother Earth - as she obviously is prerequisite of life on Earth.
Personal responsibility is finding the way into your own core, to find your potentials and make the most of them. That way you qualify yourself to act for the common good for all. We all have natural gifts, abilities and possibilities - and it is our holy responsibility to take care of them, nourish and develop!
In order not to let this carry over, I chooce to exemplify by the responsibility for the big things in the small things: All the responsible choices we can make in our everyday life, in our little part of the world.
· How and with what do we wash our laundry - and how do we dry it?
· What are we eating, where does it come from and how is it cultivated? What are we drinking?
· What are we teaching our children about responsibility? How do they learn, and by whom? Are we their examples?
· Are we aware of the generations to come, when choosing and acting? - Are we aware of our responsibility?
Responsibility is the theme this week in mandagstema. To me responsibility is one of life's big issues. To have been given this life on this wonderful planet, in this country with religious liberty, all educational possibilities, democracy and equality of sexes, is a gift not to take for granted. You have to take responsibility for your own life, as well as for your fellow human beings, all creatures - and not least for Mother Earth - as she obviously is prerequisite of life on Earth.
Personal responsibility is finding the way into your own core, to find your potentials and make the most of them. That way you qualify yourself to act for the common good for all. We all have natural gifts, abilities and possibilities - and it is our holy responsibility to take care of them, nourish and develop!
In order not to let this carry over, I chooce to exemplify by the responsibility for the big things in the small things: All the responsible choices we can make in our everyday life, in our little part of the world.
· How and with what do we wash our laundry - and how do we dry it?
· What are we eating, where does it come from and how is it cultivated? What are we drinking?
· What are we teaching our children about responsibility? How do they learn, and by whom? Are we their examples?
· Are we aware of the generations to come, when choosing and acting? - Are we aware of our responsibility?
Fantastisk fortolkning af ugens tema. Skønne billeder og tankevækkende tanker. Tak for påmindelsen.
ReplyDeleteTak. Jeg kunne vist ikke være mere enig ;-)
ReplyDeleteFlott tolkning av mandagstema. Fine billeder til en tankevekkende tekst.
ReplyDeleteHa en fin uke!
Flott bidrag til mandagstema! Herlige bilder!
ReplyDeleteUtrolig flott - både bilder og tekst. Fin uke!
ReplyDeleteog ja; det sted vi var, er allerede på 'ting at gøre når mona kommer'- listen min. det, og at spise flæskepandekager og fiskekager (jeg købte 6 kg på tilbud forleden, så vi har fryseren fuld).
Jeg kunne ikke være mere enig. HVor er det velgørende at læse, tak for det.
ReplyDeleteJA! Smukt, smukt, skrevet og vist! :-)
ReplyDeleteKloke ord:) Og veldig vakre bilder i bloggen din! Blir inspirert til å ta meg en kameratur nå som eksamenstiden er over.