Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Making them feel at home

All those stones, sticks and shells that we brought home from the sea, need to settle down in their new home, away from the sea.  Some are resting peacefully, others experimenting with possible new and exciting kinds of sustenance. Some have already formed close friendships with earth loving plants (made into yarn). The soft driftwood sticks are perfect for wrapping thread for natural dyeing.

 The hedgehog is made by A

That lovely handspun linen yarn on the stone was a gift from Bodil - it simply begs to be made into something jewellery-ish.


  1. These sticks, stones and shells are very lucky to have found their new home with you :) Jane

  2. stenmalerierne er fantastiske....hvilke farver bruger til at male på dem ?
    Ej altså det er bare balsam for øjne og sjæl at kikke på jeres kunstværker...billederne.
    Glæder mig til at se jer alle. kh. Anita

  3. So beautiful..all of the colors of our beloved Mother Earth.


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