Friday, February 14, 2014

still here/hibernating

Despite the fact, that a real winter has evaded us these last few months, I've been throtteling down, almost to the degree of hibernation. The lack of light, and everlasting mud wanderings, tends to take away some (most?) of my spirit. But nothing to lift it up, like half an hour of sun, and a short walk in my tiny woods, looking for spore-producing organisms.

The variations in colours, textures, markings and shapes are infinite, even within a single species.

I really felt the need to crawl trhough a magic hole in a tree, in order to be healed and reborn. So I did. Mentally, that is, I couldn't really fit into the only magic hole I have. But as longs as it works, wouldn't you say?
Starting with a very small activity, I found a piece of wood and a carving knife. I carved a ring with two holes in it, one for my finger and one for an old amber pearl, and added a new piece of jewellery to my home made collection. I think I got myself a new hobby here,  pocket size even.

I'm meditating on this quote;

»And suddenly you know: 
It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.«

What are you meditating on?


  1. Buried in snow, I like seeing all the natural wonders that are hidden out there in the forest, waiting to be discovered in spring. I am hibernating, too, but turning a bit towards the light and feeling stirrings in my creative impulses. Happy days of growing light to you.

    1. Thank you, Valerianna, likewise! Light is slowly returning, and I feel the stirrings in nature too, as an inner stirring.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh yes, that's basically what it's all about. Sometimes I need to cut it in tiny pieces, in order not to become overwhelmed :)

  3. Beautiful : )
    with you on the mud front - you could probably count the frosty days we've had on one hand, still, signs of Spring all around us now : )
    Love your ring! I've been experimenting with a few wood based bits and pieces too - a perfect wintry past time.

    1. Thanks, Sian. I'm not really a wood person - or should I say; a wood maker person - but it seems small woodsy things can be accomplished by my hands ;)

  4. Sikke en smuk blog! Jeg har fulgt din stilhed i et stykke tid og har nu fundet ud af, at du også har en anden blog. Wow, jeg er imponeret. Farver du kun med planter eller er der noget mere i? Jeg ville så gerne vide noget mere. Gode tips til bøger, kurser måske?
    Og snittede du ringen med en almindelig snittekniv?
    Tak for en smuk og sanselig blog.
    Kærlig hilsen fra Ina

    1. Hej Ina, tak for de pæne ord!! :)
      Jeg farver bare med planter; blade, bark, blomster osv. Og også med ting fra komposten; kaffe, te, avocado skaller, løgskaller mv. Jeg kan anbefale dig at kigge i India Flints bog Eco Colour - den kan lånes på De har også hendes anden bog Second Skin, den er også læsværdig. Jeg tænker selv at holde et kursus til sommer, men ellers kender jeg desværre ikke til nogen der holder kurser.
      Ringen snittede jeg med en snittekniv fra Djärv - de er mindre end almindelige snittekvive, og rigtig gode at holde på:
      Håber du kunne bruge det til noget, ellers er du velkommen til at skrive igen!

  5. Your blog is so beautiful and inspiring as always, A living meditation! Thank you for sharing yourself.

  6. Beautiful and inspiring!
    Thank you.


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