Monday, February 1, 2010

Overload - and going crazy with colors

Sometimes I feel so inspired I can't sleep. I have a note book and a pencil lying next to my bed, ready to receive some of the overload (read: inspiration and ideas), to spare my poor head from inundation. If the note book discharge doesn't do the trick, I may get up in the late hours and cast on some stitches pretending to start a new project. Yes, I know, a weird way of fooling myself indeed. But usually it works.

I've found, upon entering this blog world of creative inspiration, that sometimes I can feel a little nausea - trying to cope with the crazy amount of ideas I get from all over the world. Uh, gonna try that soup! - Have to make a needle felted bird! - Must knit that cardigan! - I need to bake that cake now! - Oh, can I do something to my home (like in ten minutes) to make it look like hers? - Why don't I live on the other side of the world in the mountains, raising angora gaots - or something ... - You know what I mean?

And then I take a (blog) break -both reading and writing. And get a lot of things done. And give myself time to become more rooted, to realize what it is I really want to do. To become aware of the Great Plans in my life once more. - You may say that possibly I'm too easily distracted, and you may be right. But anyway, I think it's okay to be a little aware of the danger of getting lost in cyberspace :)

And now to something totally different:

A dear friend invited me to join her for a weekend in pure bliss: two days doing nothing else but dyeing with plants. Well, nothing else but eating wonderful food and having lovely talks while dyeing.

New life to my advent wreath - now converted into a yarn hanger!

Mostly I dye during summer and knit during winter, but this weekend was such a lovely splash of colors in all the whiteness of the snow.

Dyeing with plants makes me feel like flying in the sunset. Really!

.:Pictures from the other day, taking a walk with my youngest in the sunset in search of trails:.


  1. Åh jov, kender til fortabelsen i blogland :-)
    Og hvilke billeder !
    Og garner !
    Et meget smukt indlæg.

  2. Det er svært at skrive andet end ordet: SMUKT ;-)

  3. Hihi, jo jeg kender i høj grad til bloglands-fortabelser og inspirationsoverload - så jeg til sidst er helt hæmmet i at gøre noget som helst :O)
    Jeg har iøvrigt en slags afhængighedsforhold til min notesbøger... de er ganske uundværlige.

    Det nogle meget smukke billeder!

  4. Smukke billeder og farver og ord og stemning og......

  5. looks like a piece of heaven to me!
    gorgeous, gorgeous certainly a perfectly lovely way to spend a day!

  6. Hejsa
    Fandt frem til din smukke blog via Tusindfryd, og glædes ved at se andre med en stor passion for plantefarvning! De ter de mest vidunderlige farver du og din veninde har fået frembragt, hvilket får mig til straks at tænke på hvad jeg har af gemte planter i kælderen og jeg mon har garn nok på lager. Glæder mig sådan til at naturen begynder at spire igen, så man kan kaste sig ud i gårdhaven og tænde op for bålet/gruekedlen.

    Glæder mig meget til at læse mere på din blog!

    Hav en fantastisk weekend!



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